SQL or Structured Query Language is pronounced “see-quel” is a standard language to access and query Relational Databases.
It enables users with queries such INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SEARCH, ALTER, and to do a lot more with the Database. It is a very powerful language and is preferred by lots of developers as it can handle very complex queries as well.
Most Popular databases which uses SQL are :
- Oracle
- SQLite
- PostgreSQL
NoSQL is a non-relational database and is unstructured. Due to its unstructured nature, it is sometimes called as UnQL
It mainly consists of key-value pairs, graphs, documents, etc. It is especially used to store large sets of distributed data.
Most popular NoSQL databases are :
- MongoDB
- Cassandra
- Bigtable
Most commonly method used to store the in
formation is in json format , although there are other methods used as well such as graphs etc .
It can store all sorts of data models with large distributed data in the form of key-value pairs, graph databases, documents etc .
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