Plasma Therapy

Covid-19 continues to wreck havoc across the globe, scientists are racing to develop antidotes for the new coronavirus, which began infecting humans late last year. Scientists and researchers are exploring various avenues to come up with medical treatments that can fight the novel coronavirus. One such treatment that's in focus right now is Convalescent Plasma Therapy. After China and the US, India has given a go ahead for framing a protocol to conduct a clinical trial for convalescent plasma therapy. The therapy has been used experimentally in the past and so has become a ray of hope in the fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic. What exactly is Plasma Therapy: The convalescent plasma therapy aims at using antibodies from the blood of a recovered Covid-19 patient to treat those critically affected by the virus. The therapy can also used to immunise those at a high risk of contracting the virus -- such as health workers, families of patients and other high-risk contacts....